Sedation Dentistry - Port Orange, Florida
You CAN Relax In Our Dental Chair
Sedation Dentistry
Do you have trouble bringing yourself to the dentist’s office. Does it cause you anxiety to think about your upcoming appointment? Well, you are far from the only one. In fact, the majority of patients feel dental anxiety, just as you do.
Dental anxiety is a rather common affliction, as many people pause at the idea of a stranger’s hand in their mouth. That shouldn’t stop you from visiting your dentist, though. Avoiding even routine check-ups can lead to the magnification of smaller problems. To help you overcome your fear, we suggest sedation dentistry.
Dental anxiety is a rather common affliction, as many people pause at the idea of a stranger’s hand in their mouth. That shouldn’t stop you from visiting your dentist, though. Avoiding even routine check-ups can lead to the magnification of smaller problems. To help you overcome your fear, we suggest sedation dentistry.
What is Sedation Dentistry?
Sedation dentistry is the use of pills, gasses, or IV injections to reduce a patient’s level of awareness. Depending on the procedure used, the patient will either sleep through their visit or experience a very relaxed state of consciousness. The ultimate result is that the visit will be over before your mind can catch up with what happened. You can literally rest at ease while we complete your appointment.